Drawn in Headfirst
“My love for rowing has always been an ineffable one because there truly are no words fit to describe the act of finding the limits of...
Drawn in Headfirst
A Fast-track to Personal Growth
Disappointment for Future Cardinals
We Rise Up
The Doctor Boat
How Strong We Can Be
Saying "No" to Stanford
The Novice Mindset
Champions are Built Day by Day
A Commitment to Each Other
Unafraid to Fight
The Stanford Rowing Family Welcoming New Members
The Opportunity to be a Varsity Athlete
What Defines Stanford Rowing
What Separated Stanford from the Rest
Preserving The Stanford Dream
Lightweight Grit, Teamwork and Resilience: Amanda's Journey
The Aspiring Class, Emma Mignocchi '25
The Walk-on: A Case Study in Excellence and Gratitude